Online Multiplayer
Server side movement, smooth client prediction, high ping player support, server browser and more.
Team eSport
Work with teammates to create incredible plays!

The ultimate jetpack sport. Come on. Who doesn't like jetpacks?
Hold down jump (aka 'ski') to maintain that precious speed across maps.
Play out epic battles on maps that range from over a mile long down to small skirmish-style maps.
Dedicated Servers
Run your own server and push the player limits as high as you can. Play by your rules. More info.
Gameplay Rewards
Get points by scoring goals, teammate asssists, awesome midairs, robbing the ball from enemy players, one-timers, passing/catching and more!

Bots are capable of shooting you and scoring goals. You can set up a bot match to play however you wish (1 vs 20 or even 20 v 20), either offline or online.